Marvel (Vancouver)

Marvel was heard screaming in a backyard and picked up by a kind person and brought to us. He had a terrible injury on his right hip area. Little Marvel was only about 5 weeks old and could sit in my hand. The wound was a bad one, deep and infected and smelled awful. The veterinarian and I started treatments with antibiotics and wound cleaning. It was touch and go, but little Marvel kept eating, and slowly the terrible wound healed. I called him Marvel because it was amazing that he lived. Scroll down to see some photos of Marvel when he was first found.

He is now a happy, healthy, very active bunny with lots of attitude. His right hind leg is useful to him but not very flexible and prevents him from cleaning or scratching his right ear. So that is his extra care need – cleaning his ear. Marvel deserves a caring and fun home with someone who really loves him. If you can give him that home, please apply today!

Here are some photos of Marvel as a little baby. Without examination you could not see the terrible wound – probably from a cat/racoon/dog bite. He was heard screaming and the homeowner scared off the predator but couldn’t see what it was. These photos were taken once the wound was shaved and first treated.

Garrot (Vancouver)

Garrott is a very lucky boy. A good samaritan took him to the Cottonwood Clinic in Maple Ridge when they found him outside. HIs foot was bleeding and seemed twisted. The clinic called us because they do not see rabbits so we took him in. His leg was bent inwards but did not seem injured but his toes on that foot were bleeding. Garrot had one joint missing on one toe and the other toes were missing nails and all bleeding and sore. The veterinarian cleaned up his foot and bandaged it. We gave him pain medication and waited to see how it healed. After only a few weeks and a few bandage changes his foot had healed. He uses the foot and it has lost most of the twist now. We have no idea how this could have happened.

Garrot is very friendly and loves to be petted. He is litter trained and in good health. There should be no more problems with his foot. As his nails were lost he may need some help cleaning his left ear. Garrot got his name from a combination of “Gary” and “Carrot”.  Some lucky person will get a marvellous pet!

If you can give Garrot a home, please apply today!

Mandy and Soleil (Vancouver)

Mandy and Soleil are not sisters but they have chosen each other. Both were found in parkades downtown, Mandy, the black one, in the Manulife parkade and the harlequin, Soleil, in the Hotel de Soleil parkade. They were only about 2 months old and probably rode there in the undercarriage of a car.

They were kept separate but Mandy jumped in with Soleil very soon after she came, and they have been good friends ever since. They are not big rabbits. They use their litter box well and are curious, friendly bunnies once they know their people and place. Mandy tends to be the leader with Soleil right behind!

If you would like to give Mandy and Soleil a home, please apply today!

Simone and Norman (Vancouver)

Simone and Norman are best buddies. Norman was rescued as a baby bun with his brother Nathan. Sadly Nathan died but then Simone came along and she’s been Norman’s friend ever since. They are both about 4 yrs old. Norman is white and is more laid back than Simone. She is black and white probably a Dutch cross. Both are overweight and need space to run around and reduce their weight.

They are not hard to handle though they prefer to stay on the ground. They use their litter box and are not destructive. They have recently lost their long term foster place so are a bit sad. If you would like to give Simone and Norman a home, please apply today!

Jellybean (Vancouver)

Jellybean was rescued as a small baby and has always had some kind of neurological trauma that causes her to be a bit unsteady. When excited she turns in circles. However, she is a very sweet and friendly girl who loves petting and attention. She is good with the pee in the litter box but tends to leave some droppings around.

Jellybean needs a home and to get out of the shelter. She really will be a loving pet. Jellybean is 2 yrs old in August. If you would like to adopt her, please apply today!

Sidney (Vancouver)

This little black rabbit has been overlooked and was thought to be very timid. However, we discovered that Sidney was being bullied by his partner and afraid to do much more than keep quiet. Now they have been separated he is an outgoing – thought a little nervous, rabbit who will come forward.

Sidney is a kind, quiet personality rabbit who will blossom in a home. He is very clean and tidy, almost 2 years old and will be a fine house bunny. Sidney may also like a bunny friend who is kind to him.

If you would like to adopt Sidney, please apply today!

Bruce and Clark (Vancouver)

Bruce and Clark bonded a long time ago, and enjoy one another a lot. They are both neutered, litter trained and very independent as long as they are set up with a cardboard box, hay and water! 

Bruce is the alpha. He is the one with the oatmeal coloured coat. He is a very caring bunny that loves to lick, play and be petted. He especially loves shoulder and jaw massages, as well as a tunnel to run through. 

Clark is a bit more shy and slightly smaller. He loves to throw plastic cups and sticks, and chew on cardboard boxes. Clark isn’t always a fan of being petted, but will let you as long as Bruce isn’t looking!

Both boys are very well behaved, and tidy with their litter boxes. Give them pets and treats and they will love you back! If you would like to adopt them, please apply today.

Mostafa (Vancouver)

Mostafa in a nutshell (according to his foster family):

2 words: Adorably affectionate!

He is a curious bun and would happily bink, “oink” in delight, or hop around you in circles when free roaming. Litter box trained and very good with keeping poop within his home base. Loves chewing on cardboard and the occasional towel (cloth materials beware!) so keep any backpacks clear of the floor when he’s free roaming. He loves to go find tunnels/ nooks and crannies to hide in (noticeably under beds or behind the sofa).

Occasionally, he’ll come check on what the human is doing, then flop next to them to keep them company.  If the human ignores him for too long, he will lick the human’s leg to remind them to give him bunny scratches behind the ear. 

Truly, a darling. If you are interested in adopting Mostafa, please apply today! Scroll down to see a video of Mostafa in action…

Jacky and Charlie (Vancouver)

Meet Jacky (girl, brown) and Charlie (boy, black)! They’re a bonded girl and boy, probably both around 4 years old. Both are so lovely with good habits. 

Jacky is definitely the alpha, she’s curious and brave. Charlie will follow anything she does, AKA not eating a new treat until Jacky has tried it herself…but he gets braver everyday. The bond between them is very strong, if they’re not laying side by side, they’re mirroring each other in twin positions on either sides of the room. Charlie is more interested in toys and likes to engage in play (something like bugging him with a stick or a cat toy gets him riled up) whereas Jacky is more into just gnawing down on a piece of cardboard. They will tear around in zoomies at night, but are otherwise very chill house-buns. They have amazing house habits and love to groom each other. They both come with trauma from their past so don’t expect them to come cuddle on your lap, but they love to receive cheek scratches and full body pets. They’re truly affectionate and will follow you around the house, and can even answer to their name, jumping up on the couch when you summon them. They’re the most lovely duo of companionship one could ask for.

They are both free range in the house and are litter box trained. They are quite calm and like to lay around the house together. They like cardboard toys to chew. They will bite wires if exposed! Jacky and Charlie like their space, but also like to be pet. They are friendly and smart, though can be shy at first. They’re very sweet with each other! It’s easy to love these two – they are a treat to have around!

If you are interested in adopting Jacky and Charlie, please apply today!

Arby (Vancouver)

Arby was found abandoned sitting outside the Arbutus West Vet clinic. A kind-hearted schoolboy saw him and took him home.

He is a large rabbit (7lb) with an equally large personality – he loves attention and pets from his human, and loves to zoom around on the carpet and toss his favourite toys around. He is excellent with his litter box but does like to chew things, especially cardboard and his towel.

Despite his friendliness, Arby is not an ideal “first rabbit” candidate due to his enthusiasm for attention – he is so happy to see you that he will lunge and grunt at your feet or pull at your pant legs which can be intimating until you get to know him. He is also territorial when he gets his pellets – will grunt at you if you get too close! Over-enthusiasm aside, he loves to hang out with someone and will come right up beside you and flop over on his side for pets.

His foster mother has noticed that he really enjoys being talked to and will often perform little hops and binkies in response. Arby would thrive in a home where he gets to spend lots of time with his person/family. As he is a large rabbit, he does not like hardwood floors – he requires carpeting or some other surface with traction. His current house has 2 cats and he has not been bothered by
their presence. He will make someone a wonderful companion! Scroll down to see a video of Arby bounding up and down the stairs.

If you’d like to meet Arby, apply to adopt him today!