Jordie and Jack (South Surrey)

Meet Jordie (brown/black) and his friend Jack (grey with tall ears).  This unlikely couple of boys found friendship on the first day in foster care from the local shelter.  Jack jumped into Jordie’s pen.  No aggressive behaviour, just grooming and snuggling together.  All bondings should be as simple. 

Jordie is estimated to be about a year old maybe a little older.  He is easy to handle, curious and active.  He’s a connoisseur of greens and a certain brand of treats, which he will do anything to acquire one. 

Jack may not be a big rabbit despite his ear and feet size.  His handsome, fine boned features are quite hare-like. Jack is a real charmer with his charismatic ways and athletic prowess.  He’s estimated to be around six to eight months old, and very active!

This handsome pair of boys can be a little on the shy side and require a home with room to roam and would love some outdoor playtime as well.  And they do like their home comforts! This great pair of totally bonded boys would be a welcome addition to any family home. Their present foster home has two respectful dogs, other rabbits, guinea pigs and love birds. 

If you would like to give this devoted pair of rabbits a second chance of a home, please research and fill in an adoption application at to start the ball rolling.

Boo (South Surrey)

Boo has quite a story to tell.

In August of 2023 we received a request from a family fleeing the wildfires.  They had lost everything and needed to place a little baby black bunny.  Of course we said yes.

So Boo is very special to all of us, a survivor.  Boo is around 8 months old now and is blind in one eye due to a corneal scratch.   The ophthalmologist said it is healed.

Boo personality wise can be a mixture of sugar and spice.  She would need a rabbit savvy home , no children, just someone who could be gentle with her and learn to understand her.   She’s very sweet with her foster mom.

If you are the person that can offer your heart and home to Boo, please apply today!

Tiana (South Surrey)

Meet Tiana! She was stray we took in December 2022 with a 4-week-old kit we name Mr. Fluffington. She surprised us on January 1st with a litter of six more babies. This wonder girl is still a bit shy until she gets to know new people. She’s a smaller rabbit estimated to be around a 1-1.5 years old. She is a very clean rabbit with a sweet personality. She’s a great hay eater and her favorite greens are romaine lettuce cilantro and parsley. She gets along well with respectful animals, cats and rabbits. 

If you’re interested in meeting Tiana, please do your research and fill in an adoption application at

Smudgy (Vancouver)

Hi! My name is Smudgy and I have been in foster care my whole life (born July 2022). For some reason, black rabbits are overlooked and hard to get adopted. If you give me the chance, I will win your heart over by snuggling with you and doing many binkies to show you how much I love and appreciate you. 

I just want someone to love me for me! My foster moms say I am the sweetest little thing and I am a good girl because I am not destructive or chewy. After I get to know you, I like to climb up on your lap or even up on your back if you could be my best friend. I like to climb low cat towers and chairs to explore my surroundings. I am litter trained and I like to pick my own potty spot so please put my litter box where I like it! My favourite thing to do is explore and free roam. I promise to make my free roam space clean and only makes a few poop accidents near my litter box to mark my own territory. 

I am a good candidate for bonding because I am an easy going and submissive rabbit but I can also be happy as a single rabbit if you will spend time with me and love me! Please apply to be my mom or dad! 

Smudgy can go to a home with:
Rabbits: Well-matched 
Dogs: Well-matched Respectful
Cats: Yes 
Children: Unknown
Teen/Adult: Yes

Ali (South Surrey)

Ali can be a bit shy at first and she’s protective over her space (watch out broom, she’ll try to eat it!) but if you sit with her on her level and let her come to you, she really opens up and loves to be pet! That’s after she claims you by chinning you first!

The way to Ali’s heart is through treats. She knows the sound of a treat bag or a fruit peeling. She loves cilantro and mint. This beautiful black girl is full of personality. She came in as stray young baby on Aug 6, 2022, around 5 days old found in a baseball diamond covered in sand with her siblings, Ducky/Tippy & Little Foot and Petrie. This litter of babies was name after The Land Before Time Characters. If you’re interested in meeting Ali please apply today.

She can go to a home with:
Rabbits: Well-matched
Dogs: Well-matched/respectful
Cats: Yes
Young kids: No Thank you
Teens/Adults: Yes

Lennon & Minerva (Vancouver)

Lennon and Minerva are the cutest sibling duo, both are almost 1 year old (born May 4th 2022). They are shy, but gentle with humans and warm up to people with time. Lennon is the daring sibling, while Minerva (right white paw) is the more cautious sibling. They don’t enjoy being petted unless they are familiar with you. They love a good chew toy, specifically pieces of cardboard or apple wood stick. They also love their salads and like to play tug-a-war with each other over pieces of lettuce. 

The sweetest moments shared are post-meals, when in a dreamy food-coma state, they like to sploot beside each other and snuggle. They have so much love between them, in fact, they like lick and groom their rabbit stuffy as well! Lennon and Minerva are very clean and well litter-trained. There is never a dull moment with these two cuties! If you would like to give them a loving home, please apply today!

Scout (Vancouver)

Scout is brother to Dustin, Suzie, Ringo, Sky, Lennon and Minerva. He is the only one that is grey. He is an interesting mix of very bold and also shy.

Scout’s current foster family has this to say: Scout is a very sweet but timid guy. He’s curious, just needs a really patient environment so he can explore and gain confidence. The first week he hardly came out of his den but he’s showing his personality more and more. He will occasionally do a wonderful nice flop in his favorite corner, surrounded by his toys that he loves to throw around. He’s very good at getting his treats out of his stack cups or by rolling around the treat ball. 

He has done some zoomies and binkies and sure we’ll see more and more of this over time–it’s a rare treat right now but he’s definitely got it in him! He’s gotten some supervised outdoor time and he loves it–that’s by far the most we’ve seen him cut loose and race around! So a home with supervised yard time is definitely a plus.

He does love head strokes very much and he’s happy for us to pat him more than half the time now. He definitely likes his feet to stay on the ground but seems comfortable to have us nearby, lounging around with him. If he’s trying to be brave and explore, he will still run away at the slightest movement or noise. He loves his veggies and doesn’t seem to drink much water.

He’s 100% litterbox trained, not too much of a nibbler, and hasn’t ventured much beyond the area rug, so he’s pretty easy to have in the house. He is a great guy, just needs a home that’s calm and patient. 

If you can give Scout a home, please apply today!

Brontë Family (Vancouver)

Meet Charlotte, Emily and Branwell. We call them the Brontë Family! They are siblings though each one is very different. They were born about Dec 15th, 2022 in a Richmond Park, where they were picked up about 4 weeks old.

Emily is white with blue eyes, Charlotte is a grey and white Dutch and Branwell is a male brown agouti. He is the shyest and lets his sisters take the lead. They are a fun bunch – active and playful – but need time to know their place and people. At first Charlotte, Emily and Branwell will be shy. We hope someone can offer them a loving home where they can all stay together. If that someone is you, please apply today!

Douglas & Jackie (Vancouver)

These two met at our shelter and became friends as baby rabbits. Douglas, a black male was found in April 29, 2022, at Park Royal in West Vancouver when about 2-3 months old. Jackie, a brown agouti female, was found May 7, 2022 on Blenheim St., Vancouver when about 6 weeks old. They grew up together.

Douglas is the more out-going and leads the way for Jackie who tends to be shy. Both are good with their litter box. They would love space to explore. If you can give them a home, please apply today!

Dustin & Suzie Poo (Vancouver)

This lovely pair is a brother and sister born May 4, 2022. Their mom was a beautiful grey otter like Suzie Poo and Dustin is a harlequin with a distinct pattern on his face.

These bunnies are very good with their litter. They are active and curious but tend to be shy until they know their people and space. They will do well in a home that lets them adjust to new surroundings. If you can give them that home, please apply today!