Mostafa in a nutshell (according to his foster family):
2 words: Adorably affectionate!
He is a curious bun and would happily bink, “oink” in delight, or hop around you in circles when free roaming. Litter box trained and very good with keeping poop within his home base. Loves chewing on cardboard and the occasional towel (cloth materials beware!) so keep any backpacks clear of the floor when he’s free roaming. He loves to go find tunnels/ nooks and crannies to hide in (noticeably under beds or behind the sofa).
Occasionally, he’ll come check on what the human is doing, then flop next to them to keep them company. If the human ignores him for too long, he will lick the human’s leg to remind them to give him bunny scratches behind the ear.
Truly, a darling. If you are interested in adopting Mostafa, please apply today! Scroll down to see a video of Mostafa in action…

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